Siwa Oasis, Egypt

Siwa Oasis, Egypt

Siwa Oasis is an amazing place located in Egypt. It is located inbetween the Qattara Depression and the Great Sand Sea in the Western land. Isolated in the heart of Egypt’s Western desert, Siwa Oasis, away from the urban area the oracle temple of Amon (Zeus Ammon), which was already famous in the time of Herodotus is in the Oasis. Siwa Oasis is a unique place when you find it only if you search for it. This place provides us many mind-blowing view of sand, sand and sand. The never ending view of the sand brown sea of sand with many good amazing views of building varying from tall to short, large to tiny trees.

Siwa Oasis, Egypt

What to do in Siwa Oasis?

There are many exciting things to do in Siwa Oasis like sand Boarding or safari trips. While touring Siwa Oasis, we can rent bikes or travel in rickshaws to visit popular landmarks in Siwa Oasis. Talking about popular landmarks, Cleopatra’s bath is one of the must visit place in Siwa Oasis, Egypt. The life in Oasis is a bit simple but effective, from the morning till the end of the day we have many things to do without getting bored but for sure tired. If you don’t work well with the heat and the sun, it is best to visit Siwa Oasis in the winter or rainy season. 

The Desert is the best place to taste a quality date and Siwa Oasis provides an amazing flavor of dates and olives which you can buy from the locals for a cheap amount of money. There are also Lodges and restaurants to take a quality vacation in this Siwa Oasis. What makes us feel more attached to this place is the culture richness present there. There is also many Local souvenirs to buy which are colorful handmade products and Embroidered garments. The exquisite craftmanship is also one of the thing that is to be appreciated in Siwa Oasis.

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