Cape Enniberg – The Faroe Islands

Cape Enniberg - The Faroe Islands

Cape Enniberg is the northernmost point of the Faroe Islands, located on the Island of Vidoy. The mesmerizing views of the Faroe Islands is one among the must-see things within the world. Enniberg, with a height of 754 meters, is the highest vertical sea cliff in the world. The Faroe Islands is small pieces of island between Iceland and Norway. Hiking & Tenting is the prominent adventurous activities done by tourists/content creators. The glorious sceneries of the Faroe Islands have enough Instagram worthy captures to fill up your vacation desires and dreams.

Cape Enniberg Sea View
Cape Enniberg Sea View

Hiking & Tenting in Cape Enniberg

The Hiking experience begins from the village Vidareidi and reach to the mountain of Villingadalsfjallthe 3rd largest in the entire Faroese archipelago. From there, it takes 30 minutes to walk along the mountain ridge from Villingadalsfjall summit to Cape Enniberg. The Hike up and down is of around 4-5 hours, covering the distance of almost 6 Kilometers. As the climatic changes are unpredictable in the Faroe Islands, one must hire a tourist guide or a local to have a safe hiking.

As Cape Enniberg comprises of steep cliffs and un-spoilt terrains, the hike up is fairly difficult. So, one must have hiking experience with mandatory hiking gears like Hiking shoes, walking sticks etc. Although, the best part comes when we reach the top of the Enniberg where the view of the lush green terrain spread here and there meets the the never ending exquisite view of the wide sea.

Cape Enniberg Hike
Cape Enniberg Hike


The Languages spoken in the Faroe Island are mainly Faroese, Danish and English.

Currency Exchange / Legal Tender

The currency used in the Faroe Island is Faroese Krone and the Danish Krone.

Best time to visit Cape Enniberg

As summers are cool with an average temperature of 13°C, the month of May-June is the best time to plan your hike on Cape Enniberg.

Airports Nearby

The closest airport from the Faroe Islands is Vagar Airport (FAE) which is in Sorvagur, Denmark.

Busses, Ferries, Car or Motorcycle

For Content Creators and Photographers, exploring by car or motorcycle is a popular way of reaching the Faroe Islands. For tourists who want to experience via busses and ferries, please check Strandfaraskip Landsins website.

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